Thursday, May 30, 2013

Vacation Bible School 2013; Athens-Oikos.

Join us on every night at Peppertown Free Will Baptist in the week of June 3-7, 2013 at 6:00 PM for a fun and Godtastic” VBS! We will learn about Paul’s Dangerous journey in Athens! Everyone is invited!

Vacation Bible School Kick-off

On Saturday (June 1, 2013) We are having our annual VBS kick-off. We will start at 5:30 PM with food, fellowship, and fun. Please join us in having a blast! Everyone is invited!

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Homecoming 2013

We are celebrating homecoming/ Old Fashion day at Church on the fourth Sunday of May 2013. (May 26) Please, everyone feel free to come and bring a friend! We will have food and singing by The Caltons also at 1:00 PM that day. Thanks! God Bless! †

Monday, April 8, 2013

Spring Revival 2013

Until Wednesday, we will be having a Revival. Bro. Camryn Eaton will be evangelizing. Here are the dates:
Monday: April 8, 2013: Service starts at 7:00 PM Choir will sing and lead music. 
Tuesday: April 9, 2013: Service starts at 7:00 PM The Mashburns will be singing. 
Wednesday: April 10, 2013: Service starts at 7:00 PM The youth will be singing and leading music.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Share the Good News! †

This week marks the busiest week ever on our Church's YouTube and Facebook accounts. With the largest post on Facebook getting 131 views (About two times as many people who come to Church on the average Sunday) We ought to be able to fill the pews! So the next time you see a person that you know not in Church, ask them if they want to come to Peppertown Sunday! As Freewill Baptists we are supposed to spread the Gospel to every corner of the Earth. Remember this verse when you are sharing the Word: “And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.” (Mark 16:15 KJV) So go out and proclaim Him King of Kings and Lord of Lords, and with our prayer and outreach, a soul can be saved Sunday! May God Bless all of you continually! † 

Upcoming Events: 

REVIVAL: Starting April 7, 2013 at 5:30, then continuing April 8-10, 2013 at 7:00. 
Everyone is invited! 

Monday, March 25, 2013

Upcoming Events: March--April

We have 3 upcoming events in the next month or so! Please feel free to attend!  If you haven't checked out our Facebook Page or Blog, please look! I have attached links to these websites below! Anyways, We have an Egg Hunt, A Youth Easter Program, and Revival! 

May the Love of Christ Bless all of you Continually! 

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Prayer Today

Weekly Reflection on Prayer

Saint Paul explains to us throughout the New Testament that prayer is something essential for our lives. I personally believe that we should pray everyday, when we wake, we we eat, when we go to sleep, or when we feel that God deserves an extra "Thanks" from us. We know that God deserves the highest, most glorified praise from us. In our prayers we can express this. Whether we pray a simple, "Thank you Jesus." on our way to work or a strongly thought about prayer coming from the Altar. We as human beings, we as sinners who strive for God's Grace should respect him all the day. We should praise him through song and prayer. Prayer is the cornerstone to our salvation. I mean, if we hadn't prayed that simple "Jesus save my soul" and accepted him in our hearts, we wouldn't be the ones leading our church, and leading our Christian friends. So next time you pray, think, "When was the last time I sat down and thanked God?"

“…men ought always to pray….” Luke 18:1
Can we pray for you? Our prayer list is always open at Peppertown!