Saturday, February 23, 2013

Prayer Today

Weekly Reflection on Prayer

Saint Paul explains to us throughout the New Testament that prayer is something essential for our lives. I personally believe that we should pray everyday, when we wake, we we eat, when we go to sleep, or when we feel that God deserves an extra "Thanks" from us. We know that God deserves the highest, most glorified praise from us. In our prayers we can express this. Whether we pray a simple, "Thank you Jesus." on our way to work or a strongly thought about prayer coming from the Altar. We as human beings, we as sinners who strive for God's Grace should respect him all the day. We should praise him through song and prayer. Prayer is the cornerstone to our salvation. I mean, if we hadn't prayed that simple "Jesus save my soul" and accepted him in our hearts, we wouldn't be the ones leading our church, and leading our Christian friends. So next time you pray, think, "When was the last time I sat down and thanked God?"

“…men ought always to pray….” Luke 18:1
Can we pray for you? Our prayer list is always open at Peppertown!

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