Tuesday, April 3, 2012

The True Meaning of Easter and Good Friday

     Lets start off by talking about Good Friday. Now most Christians have been asked, "Why do you celebrate the death of your Lord?" Sometimes you don't know. I have been in the state of "Uh Ummm" And have tried to get on another topic. Anyways, I FINALLY know the answer!! We celebrate Jesus' death, not because we were happy he died, but because we were sad, but relieved. It says that people mourned while people shouted. Wouldn't it be the same today, say the president was killed because of no reason, people would cry and mourn while others would shout and be happy. We are relieved because someone finally accepted us as we were. Jesus came to Earth at first to save the Jews, but they didn't accept him. So he came to us dreaded gentiles. We accepted him because we had no other truth to hold on to. We worshipped statues that just sit there, we worshipped gods of no purpose. But then, finally we had a rock to hold us down. That is my concept of Good Friday.
     Easter isn't just about dying eggs. We celebrate Easter because it was the day our LORD was resurrected out of the tomb. Before His death, Jesus had promised eternal life to those who followed Him. If the story ended at His death, Jesus would have been no more than a religious figure with a finite life span. But the fact the Jesus rose from death demonstrated He has the power over death, and only through Him can people have hope for eternal life.  Jesus said,  "For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life" (John 3:16).

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