Saturday, June 16, 2012


         Stateline Grove Peppertown will be having VBS June 25-29. Get ready for exciting wilderness thrills as you head out to beautiful SonRise National Park! Kids will be awestruck by snow-capped mountains, thundering waterfalls, wildflower meadows bursting with color, and amazing animals like soaring eagles, friendly huskies, and herds of caribou. As kids explore SonRise National Park, they'll learn the most important survival skill of all: they can always depend on Jesus and His promises of true peace, true riches, true power, true love, and true hope! At SonRise National Park, kids will learn to trust Jesus as their all-powerful guide and Savior!Also we will be learning songs like: "Cool Cool Summer," "Forever Safe," "My God will Meet your Needs," and many more. On Friday night we will have our VBS Charity "The Aegis Element" from Hendersonville, Tennessee. The directors, Sarah Hodges and Cindy Reynolds, will be telling us about why they are determined to help human trafficking in Africa and how you can help!
        DURING, VBS we will be collecting change, checks, and cash for them. Our goal is $250.00. We hope we can surpass that!!! The class who collects the most money will get to squirt the teacher with Ketchup and Mustard. Start saving now!!!

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